You can create a new single unit out of any collection of shapes by grouping them from the Home tab. This allows you to move the shapes together and to treat them as one when scaling or coloring them in your work area.
To learn how to group and ungroup shapes read this article.
Can you add or edit text?
- No. Individual objects in a group can not be edited. This means you can't add text or edit any text that already exists in the group. If you want to add text, ungroup the shapes again and add text and regroup when you're done.
Can I add or change fill color for a group?
- Yes. Select the group and choose a fill color. Note, the group is now treated as a single entity and all members of the group will get the same fill color. You can't color individual objects in the group separately. This also applies to line styles and colors and other design elements. If you want to change the colors of individual group members, ungroup the object first and change colors separately and re-group after.
Can I change the size of a grouped object?
- Yes. Scaling the group will change the size of all members of group proportionally together.
Can I rotate a group or flip it?
- Rotation rotates the group as if it were a single object. You can also use the flip command.
Other general properties:
- Clicking on any member of a group selects the group.
- Objects whose position is determined by links to other objects are automatically included in groups.
- Moving the combination moves all members of the combination.
- Rotation rotates the group as if it were a single object.
- Duplicating, copying and pasting applies to the group as a whole.
- Locked objects can not be included in groups.
- Hyperlinks are not accessible in a group, however they are maintained upon ungrouping.