Each cell is an independent rectangular area that may have its own block of text, background color and other attributes. The boundaries of the cells are like the borders of shapes. They may have their own thickness, color and pattern. Cell borders may also be hidden.
To edit the color and style any table cell or group of cells, select them and go to the Home tab.
Changing Cell Color
You can change the fill color of any cell or group of selected cells using the Fill command.
Changing the Cell Dividers
To change the color or style of the dividers between cells, click on the divider and use the Line Style menu to change color or thickness.
To help you select the divider, look for the cursor changing into two parallel lines. When you see the cursor change, clicking will select the line between cells.
Selected dividers are shown as green dotted lines. Once a divider has been selected, the selection range may be extended by Shift-clicking on lines parallel to it.
Once your dividers are selected, you can use the Line Style options to change line thickness, color, and style.
Moving Cell Dividers
Clicking on a row or column divider not only selects it, but also allows you to move it. You can increase or decrease the width of columns and the heights of rows by dragging the dividers with the mouse.
When whole column dividers are moved, only the width of the column to the left of the divider is affected. The columns to the right remain the same size. Hence the table grows wider or narrower to accommodate the change in width of the divider’s column. The same principal also applies to row dividers.
Below is a table where we modified the color and width of some of the column dividers, added color to some cells and change the width of some columns and the height of some rows.